Some Published Articles About Manchester
A short history of Manchester: the rise and fall of Cottonopolis
A short history of Manchester: charters, American states and drinking rules
A short history of Manchester: the wizard, the cavalier, the mercenary
A short history of Manchester: the Romans cometh and goeth
The BBC's Manctopia reviewed
2030 Manchester - more than fifty 20-storey or more towers in the city centre
Mayfield and its park: how to approach new developments
Star & Garter saved: the incubator of rock rescued
Halle St Peters: a masterpiece in Ancoats
The Albert Square plans considered
Daily Express building: as modern as it gets even though it was built in 1939
Draft Bovril, Topless Barmaids & Berni Inns: Welcome to Manchester 1975
Jonathan Schofield is given a pub and bar guide from the past and doesn't want to go back
The Impossible Bridge and the Improbable Hill: The Irk Valley
Beautiful Room Rediscovered
The River Irwell: Brown Trout and Weir Tales
Manchester's Architectural story part three
The Good, the Standard, the Ugly: City Tower
The Big Interview: Alex Poots, MCR International Festival Director
The Good, the Standard, the Ugly: MCR’s Arts & Craft Typeface
Up in Arms: Manchester's badge on buildings
1 Angel Square, Pictures, Facts, Video
The Good, The Standard And The Ugly: The Royal Exchange
The Good, The Standard And The Ugly: The Britannia Hotel
Manchester Imagined: the city centre blossoms
The Good, The Standard, The Ugly: Brotherton Statue
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Fortune Left Behind In Jamie Oliver's Bank Conversion Restaurant
Cracking Video Of Manchester City Centre Metrolink Growth
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Walled in, fenced off, covered in filth. Manc's oldest scheduled ancient monument is a mess
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The City Centre Coronation Street Set Under Threat
Classic Manchester Building To Host Classic French Restaurant
For a daily picture and building fact follow @JonathSchofield
This was us: 1750 Map And Picture Of The City
Manchester: Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Click here for wow pictures There are some larger pictures below