The Manchester Guardian is 200 years old, an anniversary tour
6pm Wednesday 5 May, 11am Saturday 8 May
The Manchester Guardian, now The Guardian, was first published on Saturday 5 May 1821. This tour tells the story of how it came into being amid the turmoil following the Peterloo Massacre of 1819, but it will also reveal the story of the city and the paper as both grew to international importance.
We’ll look at the extraordinary characters of individuals involved with such as John Edward Taylor, CP Scott, GT Robinson and many others, but also we’ll look at the city that formed them and the weird and wonderful stories from The Manchester Guardian that give primary source colour to so many years of Manchester life. And of course, it might not be an obvious link but Sigmund Freud will have to be mentioned as well. .
Meet: Outside the Royal Exchange Theatre, St Ann's Square, Manchester, M2 7DH a minimum of five minutes before we set off.
Duration: most tours last between ninety minutes and two hours
Fully accessible
Totally fascinating
The Paypal receipt is your ticket. If you ordered from Eventbrite you will be sent an electronic ticket. Please check the email, from which you ordered your tickets, 24 hours before each tour, in case circumstances have arisen which affect the tour, especially if the tour includes access to a space not owned by Jonathan Schofield Tours. If there is no change to the plans, you will not be sent an email. And as usual, if you don't have an informative and entertaining tour please ask for a refund.
We’ll look at the extraordinary characters of individuals involved with such as John Edward Taylor, CP Scott, GT Robinson and many others, but also we’ll look at the city that formed them and the weird and wonderful stories from The Manchester Guardian that give primary source colour to so many years of Manchester life. And of course, it might not be an obvious link but Sigmund Freud will have to be mentioned as well. .
Meet: Outside the Royal Exchange Theatre, St Ann's Square, Manchester, M2 7DH a minimum of five minutes before we set off.
Duration: most tours last between ninety minutes and two hours
Fully accessible
Totally fascinating
The Paypal receipt is your ticket. If you ordered from Eventbrite you will be sent an electronic ticket. Please check the email, from which you ordered your tickets, 24 hours before each tour, in case circumstances have arisen which affect the tour, especially if the tour includes access to a space not owned by Jonathan Schofield Tours. If there is no change to the plans, you will not be sent an email. And as usual, if you don't have an informative and entertaining tour please ask for a refund.